I am available for Cosplay Photography. Don’t hesitate to contact me with what you’re looking for so I can give you a specific quote.
Basic package:

$45 minimum for 6 photos. Extra $5 for every added photo.

  • Up to 3 models per shoot. Every additional model is an extra $10 and includes 2 extra photos.
  • Basic editing: basic beautification, wig line fix, removal of simple items from the background, removal of con wristbands, eye color changes
  • Extra editing (tattoo removal, adding in magical elements, etc) need to be discussed beforehand hand and prices will be provided based on the time and effort they require.
What you get:
  • High quality digital prints with a small watermark.
  • You can post them on your own social media, so long as you credit myself and the editor. You may not enter them to be featured on other social media without my permission. I would hate to see my photos end up on sites that I don’t find supportive or in line with my views as a photographer.
  • You may use the images to promote yourself (such as flyers for events or business cards), but you may not sell prints or use the images on anything you intend to sell.
This does not apply to:
  • You modeling for my original concepts or developing a collaboration concept together.
  • Me specifically asking to take your photo because I want a certain costume in my portfolio.
  • If you’re a friend of mine and we happen to be hanging out and decide on photo shoots.

If what your looking for is beyond a convention or event I’ve advertised I will be attending, I am willing to travel a reasonable distance to work with people. I currently live in St. Johnsville, NY. I also have a solid place to stay in Troy. I’m more than willing to work in those areas if the opportunity presents itself!